Monday, September 23, 2019

Take a stand for or against the proposition Jakob Nielsen should be Essay

Take a stand for or against the proposition Jakob Nielsen should be empowered to set mandatory usability standards for Internet web pages - Essay Example According to Nielson’s web site user interface usability is higher for intranets than for the internet. The reason for this lies in the intranets usability design and in the fact that an intranet is controlled and a user won’t find themselves at a dead link, or fraudulent site (as can happen on the internet). According to Nielson’s website ( the internet â€Å"is the interface to a vast amount of information, and so the emphasis must be on usability†. According to Frank Spiller (Spiller, 2004) Jakob Nielson â€Å"promotes best practices, he preaches obedience to his guidelines and when he postulates opinions they are interpreted as instructions". Spiller argues that Nielson may be interpreted wrongly and when translated, from the Danish, meanings get lost or misunderstood. The translations do sound a bit egocentric as Nielson declares that: "In the future, first of all, websites will be designed by my guidelines†. It is here that the argument moves away from usability into the realm of personality and professional ethics problems (Spiller, 2004). Nielson comes across as flamboyant and arrogant. He often cites his work a â€Å"we† but doesn’t mention the others he is working with. His professional ethics have been questioned on some occasions. For example, he charges 35,000 for a half day consulting appearance while claiming that usability is the least expensive way to go (Spiller, 2004). There are many arguments against usability as introduced by Jakob Nielson that include: Who will pilot a new usability program? Who will mandate the standards and ensure compliance? What will happen to those who choose not to follow Nielson’s standards? Will their websites be denied web access? Will those trying to access denied sites be redirected to another web address? Any mandated plan will need to be well thought out. Perhaps Nielson needs to visit the

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